SafaRi: Adaptive Sequence Transformer for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Segmentation

ECCV 2024

1University of Toronto, 2Adobe Research

Primary Contributions

  • Novel Task: To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first to consider an accurate representation of Weakly-Supervised Referring Expression (WS-RES) task by considering a novel, more practical and challenging scenario with limited box and mask annotations where box % equals mask %.

  • Cross-modal Alignment: The novel X-FACt module fosters prediction of high quality masks by improving cross-modal alignment quality, especially where abundant ground- truth annotations are not present. .

  • Self-Labeling: Utilizing SpARC, a novel zero-shot REC technique, the mask validity filtering stage together with the bootstrapping pipeline improve system’s self-labeling capabilities.

  • Strong Generalization: SafaRi demonstrates strong generalization capabilities when evaluated on an unseen referring video object segmentation task in a zero-shot manner.

SAFARI Framework

Architectural components of SafaRi. (i) We introduce X-FACt, composed of normalized gated cross-attention based Fused Feature Extractors and Atten- tion Consistency Mask Regularization (AMCR) for enhancing cross-modal synergy and spatial localization of target objects. The fused output is subsequently fed to Sequence Transformer for prediction of contour points.(ii) We design Mask Validity Filtering (MVF) strategy for choosing valid pseudo-masks using SpARC module which is a Zero-Shot REC approach with spatial reasoning capabilities.

Main Result

Comparison with the state-of-the-arts on the RES task. SafaRi substantially outperforms SOTA SeqTR in the fully-supervised benchmark. SafaRi also yields significant gains over baseline Partial-RES even without using 100% box annotations in the WSRES task. † means trained on extra data combining RefCOCO datasets. ♠ indicates our reimplementation of Partial-RES with Swin-B backbone where we get better mIoUs than their reported values.

Cross-attention Maps and corresponding predictions

Cross-attention Maps and corresponding predictions showing strong cross-modal alignment learned by SafaRi.

Cross-attention Maps with and without AMCR

Qualitative differences between cross-attention maps and predicted masks in the presence and absence of AMCR. Without AMCR, some regions outside the object boundary are attended which affects the quality of predicted masks.

Predictions with varying label-rates.

Predictions with varying label-rates. With increasing mask annotations %, prediction quality improves.

Predictions with varying bootstrapping steps.

Examples of masks with increasing WSRES bootstrapping runs (steps) for 10% annotations. We see significant improvements in localization capabilities with an increase in retraining steps illustrating the efficacy our approach.

Zero-shot Results with weakly-supervised model on Video datasets


  title={SafaRi: Adaptive Sequence Transformer for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Segmentation},
  author={Nag, Sayan and Goswami, Koustava and Karanam, Srikrishna},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.02389},


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